16" wheels on cb750 1972!?

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16" wheels on cb750 1972!?


I was wondering there is 16" wheels for cb750 1972? Or what should I think about if I buy a 16", like where the rear gear is placed and that the chain will go straight? or can i shim that afterwards?

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Re: 16" wheels on cb750 1972!?

These bikes(SOHC) have 40 spoke hubs. Any 16'' rim you find with 40 nipple can be laced to it. It used to be a real common fad to spoke a 16''Harley rear rim on to a Honda hub. You should be able to find one for sell pretty easy.

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Re: 16" wheels on cb750 1972!?

Larry spillman
In reply to this post by hwille
I have run a 16 inch rear wheel on Honda cb 750 F and K and noticed no difference for a street bike racing may be another story.If chain is lined up with front and rear sproket it should work fine.