1971 honda CB 750 Starting issues

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1971 honda CB 750 Starting issues

i just got a 1971 honda cb 750 and am having trouble starting it when i kick it over half the time it sounds like it wants the start but i just dies out then if i do get it started i have to hold it at two thousand rpms and once i let of it dies so im thinkin maybe the idle needs to be set but the main problem is just getting it to start i dont know if thats the carbs or what it could be any information would be helpful im willing to try anythang at this point
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Re: 1971 honda CB 750 Starting issues

start by making sure your carbs are clean--easiest when they are off the bike but you can do a lot with out removing them---take float bowls off and clean them out ---pull large main jets out of center of carbs and clean---take idle jets out and clean really good --the idle jets look like a small brass tube about 1/2 inch long screwed up into carb base --when you take these out clean them and make sure they are open all the way through --I use about a 3 inch piece of the smallest string from an electric guitar clamped in a pair of vice grips ---it takes a little time but if these are not open your bike will not idle----take air screws out of carb sides being careful not to misplace any springs or washers , clean with carb cleaner and replace --turn these screws all the way in and back out 1 1/4 turns  ------ make sure your floats and float  needle valve are clean and working properly and you should be ok ----