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1971 to 1977 Motor Swap help CB750

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1971 to 1977 Motor Swap help CB750

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I have a 1971 CB750 and need to switch out the frame.  I came across a great deal on a 1977 frame.  I see that the seat hinges are different which is OK because I need a new seat anyway.  The only thing I can see different is one front left motor mount on 71 is welded so I'll have to grind that off and re-weld to the new frame.  Other than that it all looks interchangable.

Am I right on this?  Or are there other things to be aware of?

Any hlep would be gretaly appreciated!

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Re: 1971 to 1977 Motor Swap help CB750

3494 posts
Should be able to swap it right over. The only sohc engine that had different dimensions was the A with its auto tranny.
To help your self a little if doing it on your own. Strip the bike down and remove the carbs and starter and all fluids and lay the bike over on foam. Remove the bolts and lift the frame from the engine. Reverse procedure to put it back in.
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