1 post
Honda 750 complete but needs alot of work. Engine complete, Has a Windjamer III fairing w/radio. 500x16 wheel assy on rear and stock front end. I just want to give it away to anyone who would like to have it. I have the original OEM shop manual and title to it. I have owned it since 1976. Just lost interest in it and I do not really want to hall it to the junk yard.
2 posts
Hi. I am interested in your bike. where are you located? If you are not too far from me I would like to come see it.
2 posts
Still not sure if my email is working properly. tried to email you from my yahoo mail. I am in Sacramento. Please call me at 916-204-5938 and let me know when would be a good time for me to come see your bike.
1 post
I would like to have your motorcycle, I would completely restore the bike and come pick it up from you, where are you located. call me at 562-234-7711 or email norrisstephenson@gmail.com
2 posts
Where are you located? We can pick it up tomarrow or any day after...Feel free to e-mail me at MrSimms7@aol.com or call 317-430-5453.
3 posts
I am in san francisco. are you located nearby? if you are i can get it today. or when ever is best for you
1 post
Where is the bike located? I'd be more than willing to take it off your hands if you're within a reasonable distance. Thanks
1 post
I have been looking for a CB750 project for months now. If you still have this one, and we do not live to far apart I would really like to have it. I live in Snellville, GA. Please email me at kadavenport@gmail.com if you are still interested in getting rid of it. Thank you.
Kyle Davenport