1977 CB750K Original Exhaust Pipes For Sale

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1977 CB750K Original Exhaust Pipes For Sale

I have a complete set of pipes for a 1977 CB750K for sale.  Pipes are in good to very good condition with no bluing on header pipes.  There is one bad rust spot on one of the mufflers and evidence of rust inside on the baffles.  The rust spot on the muffler is not through and through and can be patched.  Pipes include R & L Stays (hangers).  Honda still makes the right hanger but the left is very, very  hard to find.  I also have a brand new set of R & L hangers that I am selling separately.  I am asking $375 for the pipes (plus $50 shipping).  The new hangers I will sell for $80 for the pair.  If you are interested in either item I will be glad to provide you with more detailed pictures.
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Re: 1977 CB750K Original Exhaust Pipes For Sale

I hope you don't mind, I moved this to the ''For Sale/Want to Buy'' sub-forum just so it wouldn't get overlooked by someone shopping for a set of pipes.

Good luck with the sale!
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Re: 1977 CB750K Original Exhaust Pipes For Sale

I appreciate the help.