Actually he was just telling you what he thought.
Is was very good advice. Free.
There is no re jet kit for the 1978 CB750. Mostly for later model vacuum operated carbs.
There are jet "kits" but you pay mostly for the dynojet dyno run certificate worth $100.
But if you do get a dyno test and any adjustments need to be done it can cost up to $300.00
You will not get those pods to work right unless you get some 1977
carb slide needles.
My suggestion is this.
idle jet #42.
Mainjet #120
Needles one step up from stock (Compare the 1978 and 1977 needle to determine position)
mixture screws 3/4 turn open
There is another forum member working on this problem now,(Brewesky)
except he has a stock airbox with 4 one inch holes drilled in it.
The stock airbox only had 3.7 square inches of intake area.
The airbox was like a giant choke.
The carb openings added up to 10.67 sq. inches of intake.
So only about 30%of the air.
The pilot air screws are now called mixture screws. they do the same thing except one controls the air by moving the slide up or down and the "mixture screw" controls the fuel by limiting vacuum over the idle jet.
That is what the little holes are for in the push in style idle jet.
Make sure all 4 mixture screws are the same amount as close as possible.
The very last step is syncing the carbs and then you do not adjust the mixture screws.
You remove the top of carbs #1,#3,and #4. Use a 8mm wrench to loosen the locknut controlling the up and down movement of the carb slide. Vacuum should be about 10-12Mg vacuum.
#2 is non adjustable. That is the "master carb." IT has the accelerator pump.
On a Roadstar Adventure.