I'm new to the community, so I apologize for the novel

, but I would really like to give as much detail of the progression of things as I can.
I've got a 1979 CB750L that I purchased a few weeks back. When I first got it, it ran a little rough across the board, and she had a hard time idling at any temperature. I ran couple of tanks of Chevron premium through and the majority of the rough running went away . At that point, she seemed to be running strong once I was out on the road. I still had issues idling and trying to use the choke just killed her. haven't really gotten to chasing that issue yet.

Now to the part that is breaking my heart. About two weeks ago I started her up and headed off to work. about 4 blocks away from my place, she died and refused to do anything. All of my lights were dim and starter solenoid just clicked trying to get her going again. I convinced my self that it was just a bad battery and replaced it. She ran good again at this point.
This happened again a couple days later so I started going through my charging system. I went through with the factory manual (that I downloaded here) and started testing circuits. My stater tested good as well as my voltage regulator. My rotor was toast though; only reading at .4 ohms. I r&r'd and it still wont charge. I am at a total loss with this right now. Would anyone please shed some light on the situation for me?
"...there is no such thing as a stupid question, just stupid people..."