1980 CB750F First Bike Runs Rough and Stalls with choke out

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1980 CB750F First Bike Runs Rough and Stalls with choke out

Hey Guys,

This is my first bike and i'm having trouble with the idle. The engine runs rough and if i don't hold down the throttle, the bike stalls. I noticed a slight smell of gas around the bike. Also taking out the air filter i noticed the seal around the air filter cartridge is soggy with gas.

any tips and suggestions is greatly appreciated.

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Re: 1980 CB750F First Bike Runs Rough and Stalls with choke out

I would start by draining the bowls of the carbs and catch the gas in something clean so you will know what came out. If there is alot of trash you may need to dump the fuel system and clean the carbs and install a inline fuel filter.Also check the plugs and the choke plungers to see if they are working and not staying part of the way open.
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Re: 1980 CB750F First Bike Runs Rough and Stalls with choke out

I started it up again and heard hissing around a boot between a carb and engine. also a bit of gas leaking out. i'll replace all the boots and go from there. i also found a large crack in a T hose under the tank. i'll replace that too and the fuel filter, and report back.
