So I have another problem to deal with before I even Start the bike.... My Brakes are locked. I can't push the bike at all.
Is there a simple fix, Like Does the bike Have to be Running or the key inserted?
Otherwise I'm thinking perhaps I have water in my brake fluid and it froze.. It was around -3 this last week.
Where Should I start?
Suggest you pour warm to hot water over the brake lines and calipers. Then loosen the bleed screw from the front brake and either the pressure build up will release a small amount of brake fluid, or gently pull on the front brake lever to release the pressure. Do the same for the rear disc brake as well. Brake fluid should not freeze at minus 3 degrees. No, you dont need to have the bike running, or the key inserted - that kind of anti theft technology wasnt around in those days. If the warm water doesnt work and you undo the bleed screw, and nothing happens, then I think water or moisture or a combination of both has got into the pistons inside the calipers and they have seized due to corrosion - thats the worst case scenario. Dont forget to retighten the bleed screw once you have got them working, and top up the brake fluid reservoir at the same time. I have to admit in all the years I have been riding my CB750K ( 1982 model in Australia I have never come across this problem before )
I'm thinking its the Corrosion Issue.... All 3 Brakes are Locked Fast, I took the brake line hose off and you're right- The fluid isn't Frozen. I'll take the calipers apart to find out exactly just whats happening.
Hi Doug.Well thats the good news that the brake fluid is not frozen. In fact I dont think I have ever heard of brake fluid freezing as its supposed to operate at minus 30 degrees and has a boiling point in excess of 130 degrees. So now its a matter of removing the calipers and pulling them apart. You may, in all probability have to replace everything with new caliper kits. Make sure the pistons and the cylinders are not corroded. If they are I`m sure there would be someone in the brake specialist field that can re-sleeve the cylinders and fit new pistons. I dont believe in taking short cuts with brakes - your life and that of others, depends on how well your bike can stop in an emergency. I hope you will keep me up todate with how you go with the calipers. Dont forget to flush out the old brake fluid as brake fluid is hydroscopic and absorbs water. Hence the reason why your brakes are locked on solid. Is this your first Honda CB750SS ? I have had my Cb750K since brand new and bought it in May of 1981 or 82. Its in the process of being restored, but mainly cosmetic items. Cheers.
First Cb750, First BIKE actually. Yea, I'll let you Know. I'll probably have time this Thursday to look a little more extensively at it. And I defiently feel the same about the brakes. If I have to I'll fork the $$$ over to do it right. Biking is Dangerous enough without having equipment failure.
I totally agree with your comment that biking is dangerous enough without having equipment failure. Here in Australia, we seem to have one of the highest motorcycle deaths per capita head of population in the world. When you see how they ride over here, with blatant disregard for the law and anything else, one wonders if they dont have a death wish. To me safety is of paramount importance. The bike can always be replaced, but ones life cant. If it means spending $$$$ to get the brakes 100% right then its money well spent. Your model 750SS is a great bike, and when they were brand new they were incredibly fast with good handling and great brakes. Fuel consumption at cruising speeds is around 45 MPG, and the motor is basically bullet proof. So long as they are regularly serviced with a good quality engine oil, these engines go for many thousands of trouble free miles. The one fault with both the SS and the K model is the clutch clatter after they have done about 3000 miles. It goes away when you engage the clutch, but dont worry about it as its perfectly normal for them to clatter away while idling. Even if you rebuild the clutch the clatter will return sooner rather than later
Mine has only 15000 Miles on it (24,140km). My Home state has a high death rate too. Same Thing. I've seen way too many young and cocky Riders splitting the lanes and racing in traffic. I love an Adrenaline Rush Like the next guy... But I like my life better.  I just bought the bike In October and Until now I haven't really had time to ride it or really spend any time working on it... So For Now I'm trying to Learn as much about the beast As I can.
15000 miles on it ! Wow thats barely run in. If I can be of any assistance just drop me a line. Mine has 25,000 miles on the speedo ( 40,000 Km ) and still goes well. Have hard starting problems with mine, but thats due to oil leaking down the valve guides, and past the valve stem oil seal and into the motor, which in turn is fouling up the plugs. Once I have got all the parts I need , then the bike will be stripped to the bare frame and rebuilt. The motor will go to the local Honda dealership and they can overhaul the cylinder head and replace anything else that needs replacing. When the bike was new and had done about 3000 miles I opened her up and got 130 MPH flat out. Could not get anymore speed out of her and the rev counter was in the 9500 rev range.But now days as I`m a lot older and wiser and like to sit at a steady 70 MPH on the open road
On average How good of gas Mileage do you get?
Oh, and where do you get brake parts for your bike?
Hi Doug. I must have missed your question about gas mileage. On long trips that would involve riding for six or seven hours, with a break to strech the legs etc , my average gas consumption is around 45 miles per gallon. Then many years ago I changed the rear sprocket from a 44 to a 40 teeth sprocket and that gave me an average fuel consumption of +/- 50 MPG. Speed and weather conditons can play havoc with gas consumption, but 45MPG is about par for the course on the standard sprockets. Next question regarding brake parts, I found what I think to be the best and most comprehensive website and that is www.hdlparts.com. There is a drop down menu and it lists every part that anyone could ever need. Then there is www.babbittsonline.com but try hdlparts first and see what you need, and I`m pretty sure that it will list every part and about 99% sure it will be available.
Hi Karl, Have you switched out that petcock yet? I'm wondering what type you replaced it with. Thanks! Al 1980 CB750F
1980 CB750F Super Sport
Hello Al,
I took off the vacuum-controlled petcock and simply attached the fuel line
from the manual petcock at the tank to the carburetor fuel inlet nipple.
The vac petcock is not needed at all. You just make sure to close the manual
petcock when you shut down the engine.
My old bike, the Horex, does not have one. In fact no bike I ever owned had
Good luck,
Thanks - we are still in ice up here but I've been working a bit in the garage to get the bike ready. I never did reinstall that aftermarket beeper for the turn signals, couldn't find the leads.
Will check it out soon. Regards, Al
1980 CB750F Super Sport
None of the CB750Ks or F were ever fitted wiht a turn signal beeper - unless it was something that the law enfocement beurocrats wanted fitted in the USA only ( and maybe Canada ) No Southern Hemisphere Honda CB models had indicator beepers fitted. I know the three cylinder Yamaha 750 had self cancelling indicators - not sure about Kawasaki and Suziki as those were two bikes that never appealed to me
Right -it is an aftermarket beeper which was removed before I got the bike but put in a box with other go-alongs. I'd install it, but cant find the leads where he had it hooked up.
Karl, there is no vaccum petcock on my bike, just the regular 90 degree one.
1980 CB750F Super Sport
Hello Doug,
Let me try to help with your problem.
Have you replaced all of the air cut-off valves on all 4 carbs? They are very important for your low idle circuit. Replace them all, make sure all air and fuel passages are clean.
Email me back and let me know how you made out.
Im sorry I forgot to give you my email it is dlthomas6@verizon.net
I just picked up an 81 CB 750 Custom... The bike has not ran in over 10yrs. The guy who gave to me said the bike started to run like crap.. then it got parked for a long time. The bike only has 9500 mi. I have good spark, fully cleaned the carbs and re-assembled. There is fuel in the bowls, but it seems like it's not pulling fuel through the carbs... Cylinder #2 is the only one getting fuel. Is that cause of the accelerator pump?
As far as the air box, I would like to eliminate because it looks gay and I'd like to have the room. Will the carbs function without?