1981 DOHC 750K Valve Clearances

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1981 DOHC 750K Valve Clearances

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I was doing a valve check on my 81 750k using the Clymer manual it says the clearances for both exhaust and intake should be "0.08 mm (+0.05/-0.02 mm)". Does that mean a range of 0.06mm - .13mm? I'm just asking because that seems like a lot of leeway particularly on the upper end. All were either .076 or .102 except the last valve (#4 intake) which is .14mm.

This is the first time I've ever had to deal with shimmed valves. I'm having a hard time visualizing the process of depressing the valves based on the diagrams I see in the manual. I'm hoping that when I receive the tool (which I would gladly buy used from a member of this forum, hint, hint) it will all become clear to me. So far the process has been as enjoyable as getting my dick caught in my zipper only much more protracted.

'81 Honda CB750K
'74 Moto Guzzi Eldorado (LAPD)
'08 Kawasaki Nomad 1600
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Re: 1981 DOHC 750K Valve Clearances

  I'm thinking your high limit is .13 mm or .005" and low limit is .06 mm or .0025". 1.4 mm is .055" which seems like a huge clearance to me. 1.02 mm is .04" and still seems like a huge clearance. My 75 CB 750K clearance is .076 mm and .101 mm or .003" and .004" for exhaust.
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Re: 1981 DOHC 750K Valve Clearances

Thanks Winger,

Man, I screwed all those numbers up (and I'm a science major). Range per manual should be .06mm - .13mm. My valves range from .076 to .102mm. My #4 intakes are from left to right (facing foward) .14mm and .127mm. See what I mean about the D in the Z? (I should really buy a feeler gauge more friendly to these smaller thicknesses.)

Any notes on (or links demonstrating) the valve shim tool usage?
'81 Honda CB750K
'74 Moto Guzzi Eldorado (LAPD)
'08 Kawasaki Nomad 1600
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Re: 1981 DOHC 750K Valve Clearances

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Re: 1981 DOHC 750K Valve Clearances

'81 Honda CB750K
'74 Moto Guzzi Eldorado (LAPD)
'08 Kawasaki Nomad 1600