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1981 Honda CB750 Center stand

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1981 Honda CB750 Center stand

Davy Brown
4 posts
 Sorry I forgot to mention it was a Honda, I would like to know how to remove the center stand. Thanks.
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Re: 1981 Honda CB750 Center stand

3494 posts
Only honda made a cb750. I think the info that was being requested was the model of the bike. Is it an F or a K?
I can't say for sure on the dohc bikes if there is a difference. On the sohc bikes, the f and k are virtually identical for center stand mounting. On the sohc, you disconnect the spring holding the stand up and then remove the 2 bolts holding it on and that is about it.

Your bike may be similar. Question though. Why are you removing the stand? I understand about the weight but is there any other reason?
I ask as what if you get a flat out on the road? You will have no way of taking the wheel off. In the garage, you would want to have something to lift the rear up to make oiling the chain easier and some other work.

Just want to give you a couple thing to think about. If you already have and still want to do it, go for it.
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Re: 1981 Honda CB750 Center stand

Davy Brown
4 posts
Hi, Thanks for your time  the reason I want to remove the center stand is to clean and paint it, very rusty, and the model is cb750 C.
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Re: 1981 Honda CB750 Center stand

3494 posts
That is a good reason

I have done some searching but have not found any exact instructions or pics for this.
I would not be surprised if it uses the 2 bolt method as that is very simple.
Only issue is you may have to remove your exhaust to get to the bolts but then if you are painting, you probably have it off already.

Maybe someone else will chime in with more info.
The ride IS the adventure. The destination is just to get gas!
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Re: 1981 Honda CB750 Center stand

125 posts
Davy, the Clymer manuel sais this:

1. Block up the engine or support the bike on the kickstand.

2. Remove the rear wheel.

3. Place the centerstand in the raised position and disconnect
    the return spring from the frame peg with Vise Grips.

4. Loosen the bolts and nuts on the clamps securing the pivot tube.
    Remove the cotter pin on the left-hand side.

5. Withdraw the tube from the right-hand side and lower the centerstand.

It looks like the exhaust pipes don't have to come off.

Good luck,

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Re: 1981 Honda CB750 Center stand

Davy Brown
4 posts
 Thanks Karl that worked, now I,m looking for a luggage rack for this bike, would a rack of any other model fit a CB750 C