1.The forks aren't suppose to have any pressure when there is no weight on the front tire,it sounds like you might be out of oil there or someone robbed the guts out of that too!LOL
2.With 4 carbs there are plenty of places to leak,one might be the float bowl drain screw if you haven't reseated all of them but your basically on your own there.
3.If you can't afford a new chain right now,take it off and soak it in fuel oil or diesel for a couple of days,who cares if the o-rings swell and fly out your changing it anyway right?
4.I love my windjammer for now so again you are on your own.
http://www.jcwhitney.com/SADDLEMAN-CUSTOM-FIT-DOUBLE-BUCKET-TOURING-SEAT-KITS/GP_2007008_N_111+1982+200730429+600014410_10111.jcw your right they are hiding the backrests for you maybe you can find a universal and make it work or maybe something for a goldwing would work.
One more thing and i'll shut up.You could always get 'er running real good and trade it for something that does have a backrest!
