ok, so heres how it all went down.
making the intake boots was prob the most time consuming. i went to the parts store and got three feet of gas fill tube($30). i use a miter box circular saw to make a clean cut on all boots. this really came in hand when i had to make the angle cuts. the two outter cylinders were cut diiferent than the inner, obviously. inner were fifteen degrees and outter were twenty degrees. all boots were mounted with narrow band hose clamps. i forget the site off hand, they were cheap and good quality. i ordered a throttle cable for a 77 cb750k which mounted perfectly on both ends. the choke cable mounted perfectly but hangs up on the pods. that is something i will figure out shortly. i did not reinstall the push cable for they are pointless and only a safety feature. i made a strap for the back of the carbs that i mounted between the frame where its comes to a y and on the back carb bracket were the choke mount is. i then had to order 42mm pods($25 cheapo's) because the ones for the cv style(54mm) were to big.
i have 35 pilots and 120 mains with the clip on the needle down one notch from the middle(one position richer). the air mixture screws are 1 1/2 turns out. the bike started up and ran decent. it was getting too much air from the pods so i took the pods off and cut 4 pieces of the gas fill tube that i had use and placed them inside the pods restricting some of the air flow. i had to take the boot to the pod off in order to do that.
the bike runs better than it ever did. when i first take off it bogs a little and at WOT it bogs and then picks up. mid range is perfect. those symptoms lead me to the lean side, because of the filters. i have not done a plug chop yet. thats my next thing. the pods are the issue. im thinking maybe the bottom end bog can be cured when i adjust each carb by the idle air srew and the main might need to go to a 125 for WOT, but like i said i will read the plugs.
im open to any suggestions with the idle air screw adjustment or any of the issues im having. i thank you guys for your input, it has allowed me to make this possible. all in all it was a easy process and done at low cost.
below are images of my conversion. Thanks