Hey guys! New to the forum and new cb owner (1 month into this). I purchased a project '82 cb750 nighthawk about a month ago. The guy i got it from had pod filters and repainted the whole bike with rattle can paint, removed all unnecessary components (speedo, tac, turn signals etc...). I have put the old airbox back on, cleaned the carbs somewhat, lubed the throttle cables, new throttle tube and she runs great now.

The only thing left to get it ready for the road is to rebuild the master cylinder and bleed the front brake.
I have run into a problem now that i've put the stock airbox back on. The oil breather tube is hissing when the bike is shut off after running. Sounds like alot of pressure built up in there. It was not doing this with the pod filters on it. I think that the airbox is smashing the oil breather tube.

There is nothing tube wise connected to the airbox right now, it is simply connected to the carbs. I have a feeling the previous owner re-routed some tubes to clean up the empty section after the airbox was removed and the pod filters were put on.

Also, after removing the pod filters and taking the tank off, i found 2 tubes that are disconnected at the ends, just freely hanging. They were wrapped up under the fuel tank. I cant figure out where they are supposed to connect to, or if they are even necessary as the bike sounds good and idles fine when running.
Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks!
ps. i apologize in advance if i am mis naming tubes and parts, i am new to working on motorcycles.