and the saga continues......time to get dirty and dismember the duck! goals are:
1) remove motor
2) disconnect front and rear suspension
3) degrease everything!!!
4) shave all useless tabs and smooth down
5) find the knock
I battle ADHD so I will be in NO WAY sticking t o that order of operations but will try to as best as I can
and off we venture.....

have to admit the lowered rear was driving me ape SH@T, so I had to just correct that and leave it mocked up so when I walk in my garage I'm not greeted with the sight of some sort of ugly ass bobber-like thing

the 4 little hellions came off without a fuss and I know I'm gonna catch flack for the pods but for now they gotta stay. Keeping it moving although it's 93 degrees out and the fan is doing no more than blowing my sweat into my eyes

there goes my harness from hell...... it's enough to get the bike running but there's literally nothing there for hi/lo lights....I'm pretty set on not doing turn signals so I dont care too much about those but hi/lo and brake lights are a must. I'm thinking of cutting a simplified harness with an emphasis on simplified!

Off with your head!!! Kept the rear on for no other reason than the fact that I was just too hot and wanted to get the motor out, put the water down and grab a corona

EUREKA!!! Now I was thinking about the swingarm cause I got a second wind but then chased my dogs around trying to retrieve my drivers they were stealing. By the time I got back in the garage I had forgotten where I left off.....that's going to happen a lot....a lot! So I busted out the angle grinder, always sounds like a good idea in any situation. Cut some cover tabs, shaved some cover tabs, removed the helmet lock but preserved it for future use. I kind of want to keep and re-weld certain original bits of the bike, just relocate them so not to be so noticeable i.e. the original ignition and helmet lock.

In time I'm sure I'll figure something out. I'm getting excited to get this girl degreased, stripped down and re-sprayed. She's gonna be a black/red/grey color scheme I'm drawing up at work while I should be focusing on other matters. Going GSXR front, and gsxr rear wheel conversion kit but keep the original swingarm. New springs and too many other floating ideas that keep me up at night. So I was like screw it, tomorrows a new day I'll take up where I'm leaving off today.......then this happened:

and I found this!

guess that was the knock I heard

and I forgot to remove the swingarm.....ADHD....screw it, beer time.
My BSA doesn't leak oil, he marks his territory.