Hello to all been a few months since I've posted. Now that the Holidays are out of the way and tax season is apon us $$$ I should have some extra cash to get this bike rebuilt. I'll post my progress here.
Ive had the bike a year now.

Put a lot of work into it last spring and summer could not for the life of me figure out why it kept leaking oil, and when I rode it, it kept jumping out of 3rd gear. So earlier this winter I figured I would get it running right and find out why it kep leaking. So I found the reason for the leak.

I thought I would order a new engine case off ebay--bad idea first it got lost for a month because of poor packaging from the seller. It didn't have any cracks in it but you can tell when something has just been put through hell. while cleaning everything found some epoxy in the oil filter housing. looks like someone broke a screw off inside of it.
So all that brings us up to speed I got the new transmission, in, cyclex

Plans are to bore it out to 849cc and a Brat style cafe. I don't want to cut the frame to much. here is some pics for what im going for I like the flat seat and open triangle, Ill need to move the battery and oil tank somehow.

Any one know of anyone selling custom oil tanks.