Actually if you check the part numbers on, the cams for all 900 models were the same in 81 (14100-438-010 intake and 14200-438-010 exhaust). In 82 the part numbers changed (14100-438-020 intake and 14200-438-020 exhaust), but all I have heard is that the 81 and 82 cams were the same grind. The 82 cams, part number and all were used in the 83 1000C.
It's too bad that Honda's not more consistent in how/when they change part numbers. Some things are the same year after year but the number changes each year while others do not. Some things like side cover badges that are the same side to side have different numbers. Go figure.
My original reason for asking about the 750 DOHC C, K & F was because I have several rebuildable 750F motors and also two 900F motors. I just bought an 82 750C that I'd like to do up as a modest cafe racer. I have two 73 750K SOHC in my collection so I was aware that SOHC F2 and F3 motors were hotrods. I have a set of F2 pistons, that have a substantial dome as compared to the standard part. I was hoping the DOHC 750F versions were hotrod versions of the C & K too.
I should have known when I couldn't find a 750F DOHC spec separate from the C & K spec. Oh well, the 900F motor will bolt into the 750 chassis so maybe I'll go that route with a Wiseco 985 kit. 1100F cams drop right into the 900, if I can ever find a set. It's like putting 900 cams in a 750.
"It's all done with mirrors"

Thanks Everyone!
Honda 4s - 350F to 900F
75 Goldwing
81 Silverwing
82 CBX 6 cylinder
02 Sportster 883