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78 750k rectifier

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78 750k rectifier

4 posts
anyone out there know how to test a rectifier on a 78 750k to see if it's good?  there's 5 terminals.  3 yellow, one green, and one red/white.  would a bad rectifier make all electrics go dead?  appreciate any help.
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Re: 78 750k rectifier

3494 posts
A rectifier converts the ac current to dc to charge the battery and supply the system. It would not cause the system to go dead. The ignition switch and fuses are the main culprits.

Check all your fuses very carefully. Sometimes they can look good yet be bad. You should have some spares anyways so give them a shot. Clean the fuse contacts too.
From there, check and possibly clean the connector to the ignition switch. If still nothing, then get some contact cleaner that leaves no residue OR a crc brand that has a lube for electrical connections in it.
Spray it and give it time to dry. Then try it.

We have a manual for the 78K linked here. Download it and it will show you how to check the ignition switch and everything else.
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