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78 cb 750 k - no electrics

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78 cb 750 k - no electrics

4 posts
last sunday (2/28/10), rolled my 78 cb 750 k out of the garage to let it run for a while since it's been sitting for a few weeks.  got it started, let it run till it idled without choke, and shut it down.  a couple of hours later, tried to restart it to move it back in the garage and nothing.  no neutral light etc. when i turned key to on.  no horn, no signals, nothing.  checked the charge on the battery today (3/7/10), and it seemed fine.  also, checked three fuses behind left side cover, and everything looked okay.  any ideas what it could be or what things i should check next?  thanks.
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Re: 78 cb 750 k - no electrics

This post was updated on Apr 01, 2010; 12:42pm.
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Re: 78 cb 750 k - no electrics

3494 posts
Yup ignition switch is a common culprit. I wouldn't use wd-40 just because what it leaves behind.
Get a good contact cleaner spray. Pull off the connector and clean it and then spray what you can for the switch as previously stated.

Another possibility is that while the battery might test good, the cable(s) may be loose. Check both ends of the ground cable to make sure.
The ride IS the adventure. The destination is just to get gas!
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Re: 78 cb 750 k - no electrics

257 posts
Check main fuse (fusable link).  Should just be a piece of metal.  If it's done, replace with a maxi-fuse holder from your local auto-parts store, and appropriate maxi-fuse.  
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Re: 78 cb 750 k - no electrics

4 posts
sprayed contact cleaner in the ignition switch, turned the key and everything worked again.  you guys are awesome. saved me all kinds of time and aggravation.  much thanks.
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Re: 78 cb 750 k - no electrics

This post was updated on Apr 01, 2010; 12:42pm.
In reply to this post by Re-run
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Re: 78 cb 750 k - no electrics

3494 posts
What is the deal? Because i dont agree with your wd-40? I can tell you the switch is not lubed with wd-40 at the factory for the very same reasons why it is not very good for oiling chains with. It collects dirt and dust very well.
The contact cleaner will do a much better job cleaning the switch, that's what it is for. AND this problem is usually caused by people spraying lube into the switch that is not made for this.
I HAVE a 78K WIth THE ORIGINAL switch and I have never sprayed wd-40 or any other lube like it into the switch. the switch works perfect. I can tell you this bike was never babied either. Before I got it, the P.O. crashed when he was drunk. It sat outside for whole summers with no cover, rain or shine and even a nasty hail storm with baseball+ sized hail. I sat for years in storage collecting dust like a blanket.

The reason for no issues? Using the correct tools for the job.

You'll notice I DID agree with you on everything except the wd-40. Also, I fail to see how I dominate this forum. What, I have a couple more posts than you? you'll notice on the dohc bikes, I say very little. If I was dominating, I would be posting on virtually everything.

As for replacing the switch, he sure can if he wants. it may be bad, it may not. he will spend a fair amount replacing it as he is best to get a honda switch. The cheaper ones do not always work right. But maybe he just had a dirty switch. That happens fairly often and in which case, contact cleaner followed by contact lube, will take care of it.

Sorry not going to apologize for not doing anything wrong.

FYI for the original poster, a good switch from davidsilverspares.co.uk http://www.davidsilverspares.co.uk/parts/part_29576/

will cost $30 + shipping. It has the fork lock which some of the cheaper ones do not. You might be able to get one cheaper from honda but you would have to check with your dealer.
Though judging from ebay and the prices for honda ignitions with the lock being over $100 and the CHEAPO emgo with NO lock being close to $30... I think I would get the david silver switch if I were concerned about my switch.
The ride IS the adventure. The destination is just to get gas!
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Re: 78 cb 750 k - no electrics

257 posts
I have seen switches catch on fire when WD40 is used as contact cleaner.  If you need to lube the switch and clean it use 'contact cleaner with lube.'
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Re: 78 cb 750 k - no electrics

3494 posts
Thank you! I have not seen contact cleaner with lube, just the 2 of them separate but it does not surprise me to hear they have been combined.
The ride IS the adventure. The destination is just to get gas!
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Re: 78 cb 750 k - no electrics

This post was updated on Apr 01, 2010; 12:42pm.
In reply to this post by Re-run
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Re: 78 cb 750 k - no electrics

3494 posts
I do not work on bikes for a living. But I have had my 78 for over a decade and do all my own work and the bike passes any inspection. I also do plenty of other mechanical work. We can both make claims all day long but in the end, wd-40 is not the spray to use in this case.

Also, you only think I criticised because you dont like someone disagreeing with you. Funny thing is I agreed with everything except the wd40 AND I was nice about it, not rude, unlike you I guess.
Not only that, but I got backed by another knowledgeable member.
Not pissin on you but you sure seem to want to take it that way for some reason.
The ride IS the adventure. The destination is just to get gas!
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Re: 78 cb 750 k - no electrics

This post was updated on Apr 01, 2010; 12:42pm.
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Re: 78 cb 750 k - no electrics

3494 posts
Here is YOUR first post. Tell me where it says TEMPORARY.
The next thing to check is the ignition switch. Make sure the plug is clean and plugged in all the way. Had this problem with my 78 also. I have also seen these ignition switches separate some and cause a bad connection internally. If everything looks ok try spraying wd-40 in the key slot and working the ignition back and forth. This will help clean the contacts inside the switch.

Also, name ONE time I gave bad advice here.
And if people left, then I guess they were not man enough to be able to handle simple disagreements.

I have received MANY emails from people thanking me for help with their problems.
So man up, name the people no longer here because of ME directly. Only person I had an issue with before was otto and he posted here recently.
As for a job, is that the best crack you can make? See I work on computers all day long, as such, I can spare 5 minutes here and there during the day.

I know you really are trying to insult me but it just does not work. See the difference here is that I KNOW what I can do and what I cant. You like to think you know it all. The problem here is your ego.
So you can pretend to laugh all you want and keep making up bs crap about laughing at me and trying to disparage my mechanical skills, whatever. It is the last resort tactic for those who have no recourse.

So who here is really the a-hole? As you have personally attacked me with your second post here, I think the smell is coming from your way, especially after I got back up AND especially after the Original poster did as we BOTH said, just with cleaner.
Here some reading for you pleasure about NOT using wd-40.


Keep in mind, your first post said nothing about this being a temp fix at all.
But you are right, I should let it go, as should you. If you really have all that knowledge you say you do, this should not ruffle your feathers.
I will continue to give my advice which was also backed up on a forum much larger than this one.

Oh and congrats on having a show quality bike, you should show us pics with trophies. I would like mine to be show class but I am too busy riding it to make it look pretty.

So good day, the poster got things working and so this thread has no use anymore.
The ride IS the adventure. The destination is just to get gas!
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Re: 78 cb 750 k - no electrics

257 posts
In reply to this post by Re-run
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Re: 78 cb 750 k - no electrics

3494 posts
NICE! crc is the cleaner I get if I can. I will have to keep an eye out for that stuff.
The ride IS the adventure. The destination is just to get gas!
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Re: 78 cb 750 k - no electrics

This post was updated on Apr 01, 2010; 12:42pm.
In reply to this post by Re-run
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Re: 78 cb 750 k - no electrics

257 posts
In reply to this post by Re-run
It's the shiznit.
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Re: 78 cb 750 k - no electrics

3494 posts
Nice to know, I will have to add it to the toolbox.
Thanks for the info, woods.
The ride IS the adventure. The destination is just to get gas!