78 exhaust and side covers

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78 exhaust and side covers

I am looking for stock exhaust and side covers (black and gold if possibale). If anyone has any can you let me know how much and were from. thanks Chop
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Re: 78 exhaust and side covers

And here I was hoping you were selling some.
If you need covers, you can try lpm listed in our parts list. Good quality but need to be painted.
The ride IS the adventure. The destination is just to get gas!
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Re: 78 exhaust and side covers

In reply to this post by chop
There is a nice set on flea bay. I was going to pop on them but I am having a set redone.

As far as exhaust I might sell my pipes, or at least the uppers, but not until this fall.

It's to hot right now to work in garage. All operations are shut down until October. :(


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Re: 78 exhaust and side covers

In reply to this post by chop
how much are you looking to get for the pipes?
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Re: 78 exhaust and side covers

Not sure at this time. They are not perfect but pretty clean compared to some I have seen on flea bay that go for $100.00 or so.

Like I said, it will be October before I even get back to working on the bike. I'll have the complete front forks, fully rebuilt, with fork caps, headlight bucket, fork ears and headlight ring for sale also.

Completely redoing the front end. Here is what will be for sale.
