Hey everyone! Let me just thank you all for the loads of information I've gathered from the combined wisdom on this forum, unfortunately I feel like I've finally run into a road block that I can't find the answer to, so Imma ask it.
Little background on the bike and me: '79 CB750F. Picked it up off of craigslist for $600, dude drove it all the way to my house so I know it runs. Restored a 67 Mustang previously so it's not my first time turning screws and troubleshooting, following manuals etc etc. Decided to just go through the manual and do the basic tune ups and branch off to the differnet components as I see fit.
To get down to brass tacks and not waste everyone time, P.O. was a 19 year old kid who's heart was in the right place, but the follow through on his repairs was off. I'm not even sure how but somehow he managed to damage the tachometer cable, rending it useless, and he decided to just JB Weld the whole port shut.
I on the other hand decided I want a tachometer so I blasted that piece with a propane torch and got it apart. I may or may not be regretting that decision because the piece that holds the cable onto the cam cover appears to be damaged, and I can't figure out what that part is called, so I can't find a replacement.
If anyone can be of some assistance, either a name for that part, or a work around to be able to connect the cable back to the gear and get the tac working again, I'd be very appreciative of that.
Here are some pictures that hopefully show what I mean. Sorry for the flipped images, but you'll still get the idea.

This guy...what is it called??
1979 750K -- In Progress...