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79 750k battery

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79 750k battery

22 posts
I just put some new lights and gauges on my bike and now it's having trouble starting.
I'm having to jump start it.
My meter show about 6.8volts.
Do I just need to get a new battery or is there something in the wiring
that is draining it?
A little back ground is that I just got the bike from a tow yard.
It had been laid down in a minor accident.
Got it home and it started right up no problem.
I really havent had it out for a ride yet.
Do I need to take it out for a ride to charge the battery?
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Re: 79 750k battery

22 posts
Went to Kragen and got a new champion battery (dry type) for $35 and a slow charger for another $25.
They said my old battery was good, just needed a charge.
I'm going to slow charge the old one first.
I've filled the new battery with acid to wait while the old one charges.
I hope it was just a drained battery.
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Re: 79 750k battery

22 posts
Ok, I charged up the battery and got it up to 12.5v
Put it on the bike and she started right up.
But after just idling it has already dropped to 12v
Still havent taken it out for a ride.
The stator is a little askew from when it was dropped.
I'll look at that next.
After I take it out for a ride 'around the block'.