16 posts
I bought this used tank and cant use it,too many parts.I think its for an 81.$100 + shipping.
192 posts
Is it possible to upload a photo of it. What colour is the tank ????? Thanks
16 posts
The tank is brown,I think its an 80.I dont have any pictures and the thing is buried in the garage.If your serious about buying it I will dig it out.This tank is nice,no dents,dings.
192 posts
I need to see the shape of the tank to see if its identical to mine. If it hasnt been used, and there is no rust in it ( mine has rust and is leaking ) then seriously I could be very interested in buying it off you. I am in Australia - does that pose a problem ?????????
192 posts
meant to say that the colour is not a problem as mine is Candy Muse Red and I have the paint code for it and the necessay pin striping for the entire bike. As its 11.30 am in Perth Western Australia, weare going out for the rest of the day, so when you have a moment and can dig it out and get a couple of photos that will be just fine . No rush. Can wait until tomorrow ot whenever you are able to get to it. Be a shame to throw it out as they are impossible to get anywhere in the world.
16 posts
This tank is used.All 79-82 tanks were the same with the exception of the petcock.Ill shipe this anywhere as long as somebody else is paying the bill.An example on shipping,one of the N.O.S. tanks I have came from England,shipping was over $200.Ive got some picture just cant post them.
16 posts
Im not throwing the nice tank away.Ive got some pictures if somebody wants to send me an email.Ive got several people that want it so Ill go down the line.My email is z51mo@aol.com