'79 CB 750 Parts For Sale

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'79 CB 750 Parts For Sale

I'm parting out a '79 K, but also have an extra '82 F engine and '83 Custom (pretty sure) carbs.

I got it as a parts bike for my daily rider, but now want it out of my garage. Most everything is still there. Let me know if you're interested in any of the parts. Thanks.  
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Re: '79 CB 750 Parts For Sale


I've got most everything on it, so if you need something let me know.
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Re: '79 CB 750 Parts For Sale

Looking for the battery and electrical side covers - think they will fir a '77 CB750A ?
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Re: '79 CB 750 Parts For Sale

What do you mean by electrical side covers? Are you talking about the engine covers -i.e. alternator cover? I'm not sure what parts on a 79 are interchangeable with a 77. I can take measurements for you, or you could ask the knowledgeable folks on the forum, maybe in the main part of the forum if they know off the top of their heads.

I have a couple extra batteries, but I'd have to drain the acid first. You'd need to refill it. If that sounds like something you're interested in, we can get details sorted out. Let me know. Thanks.

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Re: '79 CB 750 Parts For Sale

got a good headlight assembly w/ blinkers?

I've got a 78 F don't know if it'd fit but close maybe?
brakes are like your pecker ... if you use it too much you'll screw youself
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Re: '79 CB 750 Parts For Sale

Do you want to sell the generator and cover?  If so, what shape is it in?  I only want it if there is no sign of it ever been scraped down the asphalt
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Re: '79 CB 750 Parts For Sale

Headlight and blinkers are gone off it. Sorry.

I'm 99% sure the side cover is in good shape. I'll check it with a multi-meter tonight to make sure it's still within spec. Email me your phone number, and I'll call you this weekend. bosco391 -at- yahoo -dot- com
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Re: '79 CB 750 Parts For Sale

is the stand available?
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Re: '79 CB 750 Parts For Sale

You looking for side stand or center stand? Email me at the address 2 posts up, and we can figure something out.  -bosco