So here is whats going now, rode it for almost a month, running STUPID rich. Like 15mpg rich, not kidding. Went to a bbq and the bike had 0 power for acceleration. It was borderline dangerous and brought the bike back to the garage. The bike was getting very hot and the idle would not come down from 3.5 grand. Even if i adjusted the quick idle setting screw
What Ive done so far:
Pulled the carbs re set the pilots, they were out at very different turns, and all of them over 2.
So I set them all two the 1-1/2 turn recommended by the manual, and their solid tip fuel screws(sorry if my terminology is incorrect PLEASE call me out on it, i need to learn how to tune!)
Took the bike out to get it to temp. Idles nicely. Falls on its face HARD when it hits about 5 grand. Tried the manuals suggestion for tuning the fuel(air/fuel?) screws. found it difficult to accomplish, and set them all 2 turns out. felt a little bit better, but rolling off the throttle causes back fire and still no power over 5 grand, it will slowly hit redline, but its painful for both the bike and I to get there.
Attempted to tune the pilots by ear. No back fire coming off the throttle or quick spurts of throttle when at idle, when on the center stand in neutral. Took it for a ride, seemed good...up until around 5 grand once again. Once it warmed up idle increased by about 1000 rpm and dies if left on idle. I thought about maybe tuning it again, thinking I had tuned it too cold, when I looked at the carbs so I saw fuel boiling off the trans. Its leaking out of this funny output from the carbs ONLY when the carbs are hot.
I know these carbs do not leak cold, I have pulled them and left them connected to the tank for hours with no leaks. Kind of noticing that there is a flange on this plastic output thing. and I think that the fuel is leaking out of this opening.
Here is a picture of the same type of carbs I have (found online). can you guys identify where that thing inbetween carbs 2 and 3 is, what its for, and where it should go to? and if this could be my sole problem!

I believe where that rubber hose ends is what I am talking about...especially since I have no hose there in my carbs at this time.