I Live in Perth which is in Western Australia. The CB750F model did in fact have black rocker covers, then they went back to the alloy ones until produciton ceased in 1982. I`ve been on this forum almost from the first day it started back in or around July last year. I bought my Honda CB750KZ same as the K, but the Z denoted that this was the last of the CB750 series. The K Model was referred as the KZ through out the Southern hemipshere and in England where I sourced a lot of my parts for my existing CB750 KZ which I bought new in 1980. It thas currently done 40044 Kilometers ( we are metric orientated down under ) and is currently in the process of being retored. I found one of the best web sites for Honda part and that is www.hdlparts.com. The make and supply nothing but HONDA parts only, from a small washer to a complete new cylinder head. Due to the world economic crisis, and the fall in the value of the Australian Dollar, getting parts at the moment is cost prohibitive, so the project is on hold until the economy recovers.Honda Australia no longer kkeps any parts for our model bikes. Most of what I need to do is cosmetic as the bike has been garaged all its life and only once been ridden in a torrential thunderstorm which lasted the entire duration of my six hour trip. I did purchase a new fuel tank and side covers , both left and right handle bar switches and two new convex rear view mirrors. So folks www.hdlparts.com is the place to go for anyhthing you want for your 750 no matter what year.
Hi Tony. I have posted this URL on the Honda forum right from when it first started last year. The URL is www.hdlparts.com If you need the pinstripnig for your bike then go to www.afegraphics.com. Another URL is www.babbittsonline.com and www.cmsnl.com. I dont deal with them any more as their service left a lot to be desired
hey mate, thanks for the 411 on the parts...i'll definitely keep it in mind for the future. no projects (bike wise) for now for me, just enjoying my Honda ST1300 bike while i work on my car collection. send us all pics when you're done...love to see them and let me know if i can be of any help...stay cool my friend..
hi tony, no prob sir, i'll do what i can. i will tell you that i did not need to outsource hardly any parts on this particular project...since i totally stripped the bike down to every single nut and bolt i was more easily able to recondition, replate, polish and so on each individual item on the bike and rectify any issues using the stock items. i kinda knew in advance i was going to have to do this anyway since spare mint parts are virtually obsolete nowadays...lemme know and i'll try my friend when you need something.
Oh my god, i love you. Hahaha, I'm 17 and I'm doing the same exact thing in my garage. I was wondering if you could tell me how to get the engine out of the frame. I actually have the maintenance manual for it. It says " Lift up rear and pull out or right side". This physically isn't possible. Ive turned it every which way and can't get it to come out. Any advice would be much apreciated. You could check out some of my pics at the following link. Thanks, Kenneth
I have a 77 version of yours, that is truly mint. But I'm humbled by your effort, full marks. The seat...original or redone, and if redone...where? If you don't mind.
seat was the original sir...thanks for the comps
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2010 9:06
Subject: Re: 800+ hours complete 1978
CB750F restoration w/ 600 orig miles !!!
I have a 77 version of yours, that is truly mint. But I'm
humbled by your effort, full marks. The seat...original or redone, and if
redone...where? If you don't mind.
Amazing. Ooozes MARYLAND pride!
Hey Shabbabear, very nice looking bike-I bought one like that new in 1978-loved it. Put 20K miles on it, then bought a goldwing and eventually traded it in for a 4 wheeler-I got $3oo in trade-makes me sick now.
I noticed the mirrors on your bike are rectangular? Mine had round mirrors with chrome stems down to the handle bars. I just noticed when looking at pictures of yours and had to dig out some old pics of mine to be sure!! Lots of fun and good times on my 750F and I beat the neighbors Yamaha 750 in the 1/4 mile every time! Anyhow very nice job on the restoration!
I got that model new in 78 GREAT TO SEE IT AGAIN!!
Thanks Murray, sold it on EBAY when I got done with
it and and had ridden it for a while...to this day it is the fastest item
I have ever sold on EBAY...Put it on EBAY with a Buy Now of $7200 and it
sold in 8 minutes !.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, September 10, 2010 12:28
Subject: Re: 800+ hours complete 1978
CB750F restoration w/ 600 orig miles !!!
I got that model new in 78 GREAT TO SEE IT AGAIN!!
wow.. i know this is a really really really really old thread... but.. i wanted to say, that thing looks bad ass...
-Your servant is your master-
Thanks sir !
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, September 10, 2010 1:09
Subject: Re: 800+ hours complete 1978
CB750F restoration w/ 600 orig miles !!!
wow.. i know this is a really really really really old
thread... but.. i wanted to say, that thing looks bad ass...
-Your servant is your master- 
I'm doing one now. One item I cannot seem to find are the side cover emblems for a 78. They are slightly different. I also ned to know what kind of paaint was used on the engine. Factory is a semi gloss I think.
Appreciate your advice,
Dan Miller
Well... first of all, you have done an outstanding job... I have the same bike and same colo and just got it, so this is a motivation to me.
Quick Question, what is the color code for it??
Thank you,
Well, first of all, congratulations, you have done an outstanding job...
I just happen to have the same Bike, Year and Color, and this is a motivation to me, because I just got it!!!
One quick question, what si the color code and where you did you get it (brand)
Thank you,
Paul Q
Dam 71 coats of wax!! It must look real nice in person. Excellent bike.
1980 Honda CB750K
Sacramento, CA