I posted as a reply my 81 cb750k that I picked up for $400 on another thread, figured I would start my own thread, walking through my learning process. This is my first bike and I have high hopes for getting it done over the fall/winter. Just got the garage space cleared out and organized enough to give me space to work.
So the tear down begins. Going to be taking it down to the frame. I have a friend that will be teaching me the basics of welding as he does a little chopping on it for the seat. He works in a shop that can do the powder coating for me on the frame and whatever else I decide needs it. I have an idea of what I want the finished bike to look like, but I know that is just inspiration and there will be changes made to that vision along the way.
It will be a learning process. I am taking pictures of everything as I get to it in the disassembly, for fear I may get this thing apart and have no idea what to do to get it back together. It will be a slow process, I am sure, but here's to hoping I can roll out of the garage come April with a whole new ride!

Just taking it slow and easy, keeping corresponding parts boxed together. Will be draining gas tank tonight or tomorrow. Picking up my bike lift next weekend.