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81C brake caliper assembly question

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81C brake caliper assembly question

4 posts
Hey guys!

 I have a relatively dumb question, yet what I did was relatively dumb thing.  I took both brake calipers apart without thoroughly documenting the disassembly process of either caliper and now I can't figure out how to put them back together.  However, I have the pistons back in so that shouldn't be a problem and I have a schematic of all the parts but it doesn't show exactly how each part fits.  If anyone has a walk-through or can smap a picture of the inside of the caliper (assembled) I would be greatly appreciative!  Thanks ! :)
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Re: 81C brake caliper assembly question

4 posts
Oh and here's a picture of the parts that I'm not sure how they fit.  The big parts I understand how to piece together just fine.
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Re: 81C brake caliper assembly question

686 posts

Copy and past This should help
Simple if some one else can, why can't I