A little known carb secret

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A little known carb secret

Lucky 1
People are always asking
"How do you adjust the mixture screws? The are so hard to get to."

Go get this free screw driver. It has two blades flat and phillips. Its perfect.
duracell free screwdriver

Put a magic marker mark on the copper colored part so you can count the turns.
Use one hand to turn the driver, and use one finger under the smooth bottom of
the screwdriver to hold it upward.
On a Roadstar Adventure.
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Re: A little known carb secret

Thanks Lucky,

I ended up buying one of these so I could adjust my mixture screws: http://www.siriusconinc.com/pro-detail.php?pid=&product_id=3831

At first I tried to fabricate a short screwdriver out of a stubby one, but I couldn't get it short enough.

I have never seen a screwdriver that comes with batteries.  That looks like it would work great.
1981 CB750K with 900 cams
90K KM's, rebuilt head, rebuilt carbs, upgraded valve stem seals

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Re: A little known carb secret

I got one of these too. Compared to burning yourself on a hot engine, these work great!
The ride IS the adventure. The destination is just to get gas!
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Re: A little known carb secret

Lucky 1
In reply to this post by seestheday
God help us if people start using electric screwdrivers on mixture screws!!!!

It would move so fast how would you count the turns??  LOL...lol..
On a Roadstar Adventure.