Hey guys,
Great to be here. I bought my first bike ever, a 1975 CB750F from a guy that ran the bike to the ground and couldn't get her to go anymore. After cleaning her up for a couple of days, changing the coils, spark plugs, new A & B throttle wires, redoing entire electrical thanks to oldmanhonda.com, and cleaning the carbs thanks to SohcCBs, I finally got her to run.
Throttle response seems great, I do have some issues that maybe some comunity member can help with.
1/ When I rev up the engine, the RPM increase fast, but when I left the trottle snap back to idle the RPMs decrease very slowly. Takes about 5-8 secs to come back from 4K to 1.5K. I do see the slider cylinder rod push all the way back in, so I'm thinking the "butterflies" close.
2/ How can I adjust the tension of my cam chain? I ear a pretty loud rattle from my engine.
3/ My left side case was leacking oil from the bolts. I opened it to find what seems to be an alternator mechanisum. Is it supposed to be drenched in oil? Same with the clutch mechanisum? I attached some pictures.

As you figured out, I'm not much of a mechanic, but I accomplished so much already thanks to Oldman and Socal, I'm looking foward to put her back on the road ... and even learn how to ride

Thank you for having me here, cheers!