AHHH Brakes! Everyone loves brakes!

Provided that fluid is not leaking out at all, sounds like air is still trapped.
There are different ways to do this though.
You can get a speed bleeder which goes in where the old bleed nipple went. These work great usually. You put a tube on it to go to a container like normal. Open the bleeder about 1/4 turn or so and pump away just making sure the master does not run dry. Many have luck with this.
Another option is a mityvac. Makes the job very fast usually.
Third is the old fashioned finesse way., which is also a dirty way! A hose on the bleed nipple. A long arm or helper to pump the lever. You squeeze the lever just a bit, open the bleeder a bit to pass fluid without everything leaking around the threads, then squeeze the handle to the grip. Hold and tighten the nipple. Release the lever. Repeat. Stop ever few times to refill the master, it must not run out of fluid.
once things are pretty decent, take the master cap off and squeeze the lever slowly about half way and tie it that way and let it sit for a while with the cap loosely on to keep dirt out. This allows bubbles to slowly come up and out over time.
Others will have their methods which will most likely work just as well. One thing they all require is time to do it right.
The ride IS the adventure. The destination is just to get gas!