You reckon maybe it's the high revs messing with your mind? I know you got that other big highway cruiser. I imagine the engine on that thing turns pretty slow compared to these bikes.
You might just be spoiled!

My bike is geared with 18-48 teeth on a 530 chain. Been awhile since I've had a tach,but IIRC, 70 mph was about 6k rpm for me. I typically cruise the interstate at 75 mph. Bike is completely stable. I can turn loose of the bars at 75 mph with confidence. Anything past 80 mph feels like I'm pushing the bike. not chassis wise,just obvious that I'm not geared for sustained cruising at those speeds. I've held over 100 for 2-3 miles before and the chassis was comfortable. I could watch the oil temp climb,though.
One thing I have noticed lately is bar end mirror vibration,foot peg vibration and hand grip vibration is becoming noticeable on mine. I
never used to have any of that before! Everything on the bike is like it should be,but I'm about 13,000+ miles since my last carb sync. Wondering if that could be it?