So my bike doesn't want to idle nice, and tools looks a the headers and says it's too lean, and the choke is giving me troubles. I need to tear down and clean my carbs, but it's a big project for someone as inexperienced and broke as I am, so I'm hoping to leave it until towards the end of the riding season.
Right now I'm most worried about the lean condition of the mixture. I've heard that it can make the engine run hot enough to cause all sorts of terrible things. I peeked at the mixture screws, and they're all in completely in different positions. Is this normal? Recommended? Can I just back them out a liiiiitle tiny bit to fix the lean-ness, or should I just suck it up and do the whole thing now?
I'm having trouble finding resources on how to tell when the lean vs. richness is at the right level, and since there's no engine temperature gauge, I also am having trouble telling just how hot I'm running. How do you know when you're getting close to overheating?
If I do need to do it now, I'm pretty darn broke, so can I reuse the gaskets and do a bench sync as a temporary measure until I have enough monies to buy a sync tool and gasket kit? I've heard that one can recondition rubber in wintergreen oil, so if one was beyond repair, I could maybe just order one set of gaskets.
first bike: 1983 vt750c, my mommy gave it to me.
current: 1980 cb750k