Center Stand Install

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Center Stand Install

I noticed a lot of people see installing the center stand as a rite of passage next to removing the old 12mm oil bolt. I was able to put mine on in less then a minute without a single curse uttered. I figured I would share my little trick with anyone else having this problem.

Having never done this I did some research and read about sticking pennies in the spring, using a string and some strong shoulders, and using vice grips. So I sat down for a second and thought to myself, "what would a little Japanese man with only about 15 seconds in a factory line do to install this?" Then it hit me, everyone was doing it backwards. So I attached the horseshoe plate and spring onto the pegs like normal, pushed the stand into place and slid the pipe in. No wrestling needed.
Your welcome!
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Re: Center Stand Install

pat english
i didnt know it was that hard lol..good thing i dont have a center stand