I didn't really do much cleaning on the engine itself as I'm going to do a bit of work soon, and I know I'll make a mess.
So far, I've changed the oil, swapped in a new rotor so the bike charges, and fixed some odd headlight/turn signal issues caused by a badly replaced turn signal/brights switch cover.
I'm currently waiting on valve cover gaskets, and nut grommets so I can to the valve clearance adjustment. After that, I'll do the cam chain, and then a carb sync.
There were some very small metal bits in the oil filter cover, they looked a bit like the flakes you get after using a carbide die grinder on metal. Is that normal, or has something gone horribly wrong here?
first bike: 1983 vt750c, my mommy gave it to me.
current: 1980 cb750k