Clubmans vs clipons vs ....

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Clubmans vs clipons vs ....

After finally getting my bike on the road with my "free clubmans"(upside down and reversed stock bars) i found out that this idea was not that awesome after all.Ther werent too bad,i rode them 115 miles with no cramps or sore arms/back.I just would have liked to have have been a little more upright,if only a few inches.A little extra pullback woulda been nice,too..I know alot of guys on here are real happy with their clipons,i just prefer the look of a handlebar that goes all the way across.Plus they are much cheaper than clipons.So my question is:who here has used both clipons and clubmans,and which do you prefer?If i have to go clipon thats cool.Im more concerned with comfort than looks.I just want to spend my money once,you know.
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Re: Clubmans vs clipons vs ....

I think the only advantage of Clipons is the ability to have them real low. And since you want to be more upright, you are going to want to go with clubmans, or drag bars.