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90 posts
I finally got my 91' CB 750.

After going for about 70 km., I noticed a clunking from the front during abrupt braking and some larger bumps.

When braking the steering seems ok, but not quite as solid as I think it should feel.

I'm thinking the steering head bearing needs replacement...

Anyone else have an idea???
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Re: Clunking...

3494 posts
Could certainly be steering bearings. Could also be low fluid in the forks. Try pushing/pulling the handle bars back and forth and see if they move.
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Re: Clunking...

90 posts
Hi Re...

Thanks, I never thought about the fork oil level.

Wouldn't the forks need to bottom out in order to hear any kind of "clunk?"
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Re: Clunking...

41 posts
I don't have a new bike, but my old 72 leaks on the left fork and it will clunk with just low fluid level, no bottoming out.
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Re: Clunking...

90 posts
I see...

Yesterday I was cruising along at about 50 kph and let go of the bars.  

I almost immediately went into a mild tank slapper!  With such wild uncontrollability I'm going to have the steering head bearing changed, and stiffer springs in the front forks with a bit thicker fork oil.

Should clear it all up.

Thanks for all the input
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Re: Clunking...

90 posts
Is it easy to add fork oil to the forks?

Do I have to drain the other stuff to put in a higher viscosity oil?

Do I need any special tools?

Please forgive my ignorance, my last bike was a 98' BMW r1100r with the telelever front suspension that ran a single shock in the front.  NEVER messed with fork oil for any reason.  This is after about 80,000 miles...