Hello everyone! Greetings from Canada... winter is almost over! I promise I will add some pictures of my build soon I sincerely apologize. I installed clubman bars on my 82 750K today and all was going splendid (rerouted the cables and throttle is working great, etc) BUT after I clamped my clutch side down I tried to pull the lever in and wowsers is it stiff. I know, I know, Clubmans mean extra cable length but I've even held my clutch housing in the air with no bends hardly in the cable and it is still crazy stiff so it's not the bars. See the problem is that I don't remember trying the clutch lever in the last month or so and therefore I have no comparison to go off of from the last time it worked properly.
I'm still a beginner here but am I right in assuming that if I haven't touched the adjuster nuts at the entrance to the actual clutch that I most likely haven't created a new issue for myself? I have fiddled with the adjuster at the lever but that wouldn't be making it super stiff would it? I'm afraid my clutch is stuck, seized, etc. Any help or troubleshooting tips would be appreciated.

Lastly, if I really pull it hard I can move the cable but like I said it's stupidly stiff. Maybe I just need to really yank it a few times to break some cold gunk away and then lube it up? Note that it's been sitting in my frozen shop all winter except when I turn the heat on to work on it once and awhile.
- E.T.
"It's not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me."