I saw this at an auction i attended this past Saturday. I wish i knew something about it,and i really wish i could have gotten better/more pics. People were giving me the stink-eye when i got these 2 pics.
All i know is it is: Two 3 cly Kawis mated crank to crank,side by side.Chain down the middle,between the two engines. Pipes are the kickstand-typical drag bike fare. Back tire was a 28x9x15. Frame was homemade and VERY scary to look at. All in all,motorcycle perfection...'cept it's not a Cb of course

Oh,and LOTS of trophies on the wall! Odd,it was onlt 20 miles form my house and i have never seen this bike at any track I've run at.Couldn't see the dates/locations on the trophies,but there were close to 50 of them. It's almost sad to see this much work put into to something by someone who obviously poured his life in to it,only to have some stranger buy at it an auction after he died. Oh,and a black bear showed up at on the scene.I guess the hot dog stand drew him in. Funny as #%(@ when people started scrambling!LOL