Hey guys, I am putting a 1980 cb750k back together from being completely turn apart. If someone could check my work so far installing the rear wheel, is appreciate it. A simple yes or no and any advice will be completely appreciated.
Okay so I am installing the rear wheel and going to be putting a new 530 chain on (new 530 sprocket 17 front and 48 rear).

I pushed the rear wheel as far forward in the swing arm as it would go and torqued the axle nut to the specified torque.

The chain is 110 links and when I pull it as right as I can get it, I'll need to remove 2 links. Once I do that and install the clip style master link, I'll adjust the remaining slack in the chain by using the drive chain adjusters (I'll be replacing the left one as you can see it's all bent and gnarly) so that there will only be the specified 15-20mm of slack in the bottom part of the chain.
How am I doing so far? This is my first time actually putting a motorcycle back together (in asking this of you guys because my Haynes manual is just not very specific). Thanks guys!
This is my bike so far.

I'll probably have a few more questions as I go ;)
1980 cb750k