DOHC Instrument panel wiring diagram?

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DOHC Instrument panel wiring diagram?


I have switched out my stock instrument panel with a new small tac ans speedo.  I'm very happy with how they look, but I'd like to wire them up so they can use the same connector that the stock one used.  Is there a wiring diagram that covers this?

I am assuming that I can buy that plastic connector, something like this:

Any ideas on what I should be searching for?  Am I overcomplicating this?  Should I just rewire it and use connectors and/or solder for everything?

Also, my headlight doesn't seem to be working any more, and my right rear indicator doesn't flash.  My right front indicator flashes, but only when I have the old instrument panel plugged in.  If I unplug it the indicator stops working.  I imagine that there is a circuit that is getting completed with a connection to the instrument panel - my new speedometer wiring isn't all hooked up yet.
1981 CB750K with 900 cams
90K KM's, rebuilt head, rebuilt carbs, upgraded valve stem seals

My wife's recipe website that I'm trying to help promote: Strawberries for supper. Yes, I am a lucky man.

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Re: DOHC Instrument panel wiring diagram?

I probably posted some of my question too early.  I found the stock wiring diagram in the addendum for 81 bikes in the FSM and it contains all the info I need on wires.  Not sure how I didn't see it before.

My other questions still hold.
1981 CB750K with 900 cams
90K KM's, rebuilt head, rebuilt carbs, upgraded valve stem seals

My wife's recipe website that I'm trying to help promote: Strawberries for supper. Yes, I am a lucky man.