Desperate..need bearing retainer removal tool!

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Desperate..need bearing retainer removal tool!


I am in desperate need of a bearing retainer wrench to install a new seal on the front wheel. Not sure of the size but a 19 inch front rim for a 1977 CB 750 K. I'm sure the wrench fit several years.

Happy to purchase from you if you have one or I can rent one with a PayPal deposit. I will return any tools sent me.

My project is on hold until I can find one. Any leads appreciated.

Thank you!

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Re: Desperate..need bearing retainer removal tool!

Try contacting a dealer.  If you have the part number (check the manual from the front page, here), you can very likely still order it from Honda.  Cheers!
1979 CB750K (sold, 2012, but not forgotten)
1983 Kawasaki 440 LTD Belt Drive (sold, 2011)
1993 Kawasaki Voyager XII
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Re: Desperate..need bearing retainer removal tool!

Discontinued long ago.

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Re: Desperate..need bearing retainer removal tool!

Wish I could help but I do not have one. WHat a lot of people do is get a socket the right size then grind the edges to fit. I have heard of some people using a chisel and hammer to loosen that retainer. If careful, it works ok.
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Re: Desperate..need bearing retainer removal tool!

Thanks everyone. Yeah, the local Harley shop put it in for me. Had to order a new one. You just can't punch them out without damage.
