I have a 1982 cb750F and I stripped it down to the frame, had it powdercoated and am in the process of getting to riding shape.
First off the bike worked fine other than slight engine chatter caused by cam chain guide. No electrical problems.
After rebuilding the bike three problems
1. Starter kicking back like it isn't getting enough voltage
2. Not charging properly (some charge, but at 3,000 rpm only 12.0 volts)
3. Blinkers not blinking
My first guess was a bad ground. To test the ground I used a volt meter checked across the battery terminals. 12.78 volts. Then leaving the red lead on the positive, moved the black lead to various spots around the bike, 12.78 volts. No loss.
I changed the rectifier with one I had around, and the starter, and the blinker relay ( have parts bike ). No effect.
I am wondering if the starter clutch switch could be causing a problem? it has a bit of a melted look to the wire protectant. The bike cranks just fine with the wires unplugged, is that normal?