Ethanol Petition

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Ethanol Petition


Quoted from the page:

"U.S. Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.) introduced H.R. 21 on Jan. 6. This bill would repeal the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s waiver decision related to E15 fuel and the authority of the agency to grant further decisions in the matter, until the EPA seeks an independent scientific analysis of the effects of gasoline containing up to 15 percent ethanol.

“Despite ample warnings, the Environment Protection Agency continues to push E15 into the marketplace. The Clean Air Act requires a waiver for any fuel that is substantially different from zero percent ethanol before it is introduced to consumers,” Sensenbrenner said. “The EPA has been granting CAA waivers and justifying the decisions by citing a single disputed study conducted by the Department of Energy.

“Pro-ethanol groups and the EPA argue that E15 has been sufficiently tested and safe for use, a direct contradiction to what the scientists and engineers who build cars and small engines have stated,” he added.

Sensenbrenner said, “Our constituents use boats, motorcycles, snowmobiles, cars, lawnmowers and tractors. They deserve to definitively know what E15 will do to the engines they rely upon.” "

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Re: Ethanol Petition

I am all over this. Ethanol has no place in fuel. About the ONLY benefit would be in cold climates where fuel lines can freeze. And even then, it should not be pushed on people.
The ride IS the adventure. The destination is just to get gas!
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Re: Ethanol Petition

I agree! I was hoping this would get some attention and some signatures. I hope it still does.