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I've got an 81' 750k that's cosmetically in great shape except that the exhaust has been patched, is starting to rust, and in general is an eyesore on an otherwise beautiful bike.  I have a couple questions.  I've been looking for exhaust online and I can't seem to find stock pipes to replace the ones on the bike.  Furthermore, I think I'd rather have a 4 to 2 exhaust versus a 4 to 1 exhaust but there seems to be over a hundred dollar price difference.  Is there a reason the 4-1 is cheaper?  Is there a performance advantage to a particular set up?  Where should I be looking?  Are there any makes I look for or avoid? Answers to any or all of these questions would be appreciated
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Re: Exhaust

4 to 1 is most likely cheaper because there is only one can intead of two so less cost in materials. As far as performance difference I doubt there would be much gain between two different set-ups of the same brand. Get what you like the look of best. Did you search ebay for orginals? As far as brands any major brand is pretty safe. I would stay clear of no-name or any brand name you can't find much info on.