Your starting is not an issue. You are supposed to use the choke on start up unless the engine is already hot. This is completely normal. Now if you use choke and it is still hard starting, then you need to address the idle mix. If it starts just fine on choke, then leave it.
A seal job is simple. pull the forks off, remove the top caps carefully as they are under spring pressure. Remove the spring and drain the old fluid. At the bottom of the forks is a little bolt that you want to remove to pul the forks apart. After that, pull the old seals off and put the new ones on facing the same direction as the old ones, there is a certain way they go in. put a thin film of fork oil on the inside and slide the forks back together and put the bolt back in. Fill with the required amount of fluid according to manual. Put springs back in and caps on.
Pretty simple really. It might sound hard but once you do it, you'll get it.
The ride IS the adventure. The destination is just to get gas!