Float Height Measurement Problem

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Float Height Measurement Problem

Would someone please give me the straight skinny on where to measure the 26mm float height?  I read a few threads and what I'm reading is the measurement is from the bottom of the float to the carb body.  My question is What exactly do you mean by carb body.  I have experience with older Yamaha xs11's and the measurement is from the bottom of the float to part of the carb where the gasket sits With The Gasket Removed.  The possibilities for the Honda 750 carbs are to the gasket surface, surface without the gasket, to the recessed lip of the bowl or the top of the lip of the bowl.  I have two manuals and neither says where to take it from.  Any help would be greatly appreciated as I would like to do it correctly so it will run like a bat out of you know where when I open the throttle.  Thanks.  Sam
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Re: Float Height Measurement Problem

   Sam, I know some of the instructions are foggy but my Clymer manual says bottom of the float just touching the pin, not compressing it, to the flange or outmost metal of the carb housing, not the gasket or the gasket surface. I stood my carbs horizontal so the float hangs straight down.  I hope this helps.  Paul
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Re: Float Height Measurement Problem

Thanks Paul.  By flange do you mean the lip that sticks up a few mm's from the gasket surface?  I remember reading that in my manual and it is confusing.  I just did a google search for the info and someone has posted help on ebay about using the float height measurement tool and he said to put it on the gasket for most of the Hondas including the 750's.  I could do trial and error but it gets old putting the back on and off.
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Re: Float Height Measurement Problem

   I guess I better ask what year you have. I'm sure the 69 - 78 model K's are the same at 26 mm or just over and inch from the lip a few mm's from the gasket surface. You can cut a piece of plastic or something in an L shape so it goes even with the bottom of the float up to the flange. Cut that piece 26 mm or 1.023". That should do it. I used my dial caliper.
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Re: Float Height Measurement Problem

My bike is a 1975 cb750 F model and I think I have it figured out.  My carburetors have a little recess on the lip of the bowls about an inch long in the middle on each side.  I think that was designed to put the float bowl gauge.  It is a little closer to the gasket than the other part of the lip (flange).  I'm just going to measure each one from that point and see how it goes.  One of my float needles is stuck and won't spring up and down like the rest.  I'm soaking it over night in some PB Blaster to see if I can free it up.  If not I will try to order a new one.  Thank you for the help Paul.  It should run great once I get it back together.