Front Tire Troubles

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Front Tire Troubles

I took off my front tire to have it replaced.  After reattaching the tire, the speedometer housing won't set next to the hub, therefore I have no speedometer reading.  I don't know if its a spacing issue or what.  Any help will be much appreciated.
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Re: Front Tire Troubles

there are two pieces that interlock in there either they aren't engaged togethor or you cable is broken first off check cable you can do this with a drill to spin it if that checks out you will need to take off the front tire and check the mechanism to make sure its not bent. It is easy to bend so if its out of shape bend it back so it will reengage. It looks like a washer with a prong sticking up. Good luck
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Re: Front Tire Troubles

The speedo cable is fine and I can get the speedo housing to hook to the wheel and turn but there doesn't seem to be anything that holds the housing in place.  If I attach the forks to the part of the axel  the housing just slides in and out on the axel.  Is there a spacer or something missing?  Does anything actually hold the housing to the hub?  
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Re: Front Tire Troubles

it should be snugged on the axle by the spassers if there is slop something is missing