If it were my bike, I would throw out the screen, and add an in-line paper filter: catches finer particles; easily checked, and replaced; cannot corrode. My '79 had a screen from the factory, but one of the PO's removed it... When I discovered that I had no filter at all, I put an in-line one on it. No worries or issues since.
I would also recommend you
SeaFoam that tank, and fuel system, if you have not already: will dissolve varnish deposits, throughout the fuel system. It will not harm, but it will do plenty of good, for the fuel system. The prescription is: 1 oz. of
SeaFoam per gallon of gasoline; 1 oz. of
SeaFoam per quart of oil (in the crankcase -- check oil frequently, change oil
and filter as soon as the oil darkens with sludge freed from the engine/transmission!). Sorry if I'm preaching to the choir, but this stuff is fantastic, in my experiences. Use it every Fall for winterizing the bikes for the long sleep until Spring: top off the tank, add 1 oz. of
SeaFoam per gallon of gasoline, stabilizes it, prevents varnish formation -- starts, runs perfectly in the Spring, after sitting for 3+ months. Cheers!
1979 CB750K (sold, 2012, but not forgotten)
1983 Kawasaki 440 LTD Belt Drive (sold, 2011)
1993 Kawasaki Voyager XII