Geek Squad Warranty!

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Geek Squad Warranty!

You have to love Best Buy. 4 years ago I bought a 52" LCD Sony Bravia. I had their "Black Tie" warranty. It developed a green line 4" from the edge (not really bad) which would go away after 40 minutes. They can't get the replacement part from Sony for 2 months so the GAVE me a NEW 55" LED Sony Bravia Internet TV FREE!!! because Sony doesn't make 52" LCD tvs anymore.

1981 CB750K

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Re: Geek Squad Warranty!

every once in a while it pays to buy the extended warranty . . . bonus when it doesn't run out 2 days befofe everything falls apart!
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Re: Geek Squad Warranty!

free2ride wrote
every once in a while it pays to buy the extended warranty . . . bonus when it doesn't run out 2 days befofe everything falls apart!
It's funny you said that, I actually thought is was a 3 year not a 4 year. so I was living with the green stripe, Last week geek squad sent me a renewal notice to re up the warranty for another 2 years, so I realized I was still covered. Since I had plans on renewing it I bought a new plan for the LED instead!

1981 CB750K
